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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 13, Issue 1, pp. 1-165

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Analogies from Complex Analysis and Heat Conduction for Wave Propagation

Edward G. Dunne and Dale H. Mugler

pp. 1-15

A Nonlinear Evolution Problem Arising in the Physics of Ionized Gases

D. Hilhorst

pp. 16-39

Bounded Positive Solutions of Semilinear Schrödinger Equations

C. A. Swanson

pp. 40-47

A Nonlinear-Boundary Value Problem Suggested by the Laplace Equation for an Elastic and Axisymmetric Membrane

Anne–Marie Lefevere

pp. 48-60

Differential Inequalities of Higher Order and the Asymptotic Solution of Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems

F. A. Howes

pp. 61-80

An Abstract Parabolic Volterra Integrodifferential Equation

Melvin L. Heard

pp. 81-105

General Solution of the Price-Dividend Integral Equation

N. A. Derzko and S. P. Sethi

pp. 106-111

Nonzero Solutions of Nonlinear Integral Equations Modeling Infectious Disease

Lynn R. Williams and Richard W. Leggett

pp. 112-121

Unique and Multiple Solutions of a Family of Differential Equations Modeling Chemical Reactions

Lynn R. Williams and Richard W. Leggett

pp. 122-133

On the Estimation of Functions of Several Variables from Aggregated Data

Nira Dyn and Grace Wahba

pp. 134-152

Symmetrization with Equal Dirichlet Integrals

Marie–Thérèse Kohler–Jobin

pp. 153-161

An Explicit Formula for $f(\mathcal{A})$ and the Generating Functions of the Generalized Lucas Polynomials

Massimo Bruschi and Paolo Emilio Ricci

pp. 162-165